My thoughts on writing in 2012. Still relevant?

Hi blog, very long time no see. That is because I have been writing an actual story! I have also been editing some stuff and reading a lot. I know I neglect you blog, but that’s just the way it is going to be. Please be appreciative of the words I send you…

This post is copied verbatim (poor grammar and all) from a doc I wrote in 2012. It is a point in time and I thought it would be good to share. It was nice to find this as from the point I wrote it, the cogs began to whir and I ultimately created this blog and am at the literary pinnacle of book 1 chapter 2!


P.S. there is rude swearing in the text below…


By Pocobooc 26/11/12

so, lets stop fucking about. I have been “about to write” for years. I have mucked about with setup and thinking and planning and worrying (in the fidgety, picky way). I have taken too long to get to this point, and now I am holding back on the main event by stating how bad I was at getting there for so long…

I have a text editor (read web based cloud document editor that automatically saves my jibber) and not much else. I have specifically not written a title, formatted anything (including centering anything) I havent given this a title. Im just writing,,,

I am watching “on the road” on my smart TV. The film is digital and is sitting on a hard drive under my stairs that is connected to a Raspberry Pi that is running squeezebox which is a tiny linux distro. That is running a twonky server which is serving the film to my smart TV. Smart eh. And I like to think that im not a geek!!!

I am also quite proud of the fact that my media server uses about 15 watts. My amp uses more than that. When I go to bed and everything that can be off is off, our whole house pulls about 60 watts. In usual operation it pulls about 200

so where was I. Im watching on the road, and its based around beatnik writters and the main character started off with writters block, and its been nagging me that Ive not written anything based on sentences for a very long time. Ive written ideas. Ive written documents for work. dry documents that require long words and concentration, but they dont excite, they dont break out of anything. They tie down, they restrict and define and inform. Better than nothing, but only just!

I went to Alresford on Sunday. Becky wanted to look at some boots, but the shop was shut. We went to a lavender barn, etc etc etc AND we went to a second hand book shop AND I bought a hardback book with Kurt Cobain’s journals. And again, there is a person who can cut loose and just write. Might be shite, might not make sense, but its there. its not still in his fucking head incase its not organised right. Although on a side note, my head is still on my fucking shoulders and capable of thinking, but I consider that only some small advantage.

My new Monday 26th Nov 2012 resolution (one time availability I suppose)

I am going to actually create. Be it websites, stories, books, painting. anything. I am going to complete things even if the end up shite.
To close I need to say that this is a very positive aim. I am not generally scared of creating. This is not a problem like that. There are many reasons that I have not done this before. Perfection, OCD (not real) etc etc etc… … bored now. over and out

The Month of August – A roundup

Good morning (or generic time of day where you are) everyone. How the bloody hell are you? It’s been aaggeeesss since I last bothered to visit, and I’m going to tell you why. Things are gonna change round here (again) and that is for the better…

Let’s start this story from the last time I visited. My last post was the book review of Minority Report on the 24th July. It’s the 5th September today, so that is 6 weeks of total absence, basically the whole school summer holidays! I am really sorry I neglected you 😦 What follows is an update of what I have been doing and what I plan to do next…

Firstly, I have been reading a lot (Castle of Wizardry, Consider Phlebas, Eden & Gardening t Eden, Dead Air.) I haven’t reviewed any books, but I have rated them all in the book list in my book activity page. I have mentioned before that I really wanted to use this blog and my whole Post Consumer reading challenge as a way to ready more, write more and see where it takes me. Well, it doesn’t take me to being chained to writing book reviews and nothing else. I am therefore going to try to do a monthly round up of my book reading progress from now on.

I still want to use some of my time to write more diverse articles for this site. I really do still want to investigate consumerism and various other “stuff”. I want to understand, at least for myself, where my previous meager attempts at shrugging off consumerism have gone wrong and how I can rectify that.

My writing has taken a sharp upward turn this month, in volume if not quality! I have joined a writing group and this consists of a health mix of about an hours writing workshop each month, followed by at least 2 hours in a pub 🙂 This group has inspired me to finally dust off the book that was 0.000001% complete and get on with writing properly. I have now written about 2000 words in draft and the imaginative humours are up.

Lastly, I am trying to find ways to move further into the bookish world with a possible, maybe, option, vague plan, thought of doing this more as a job in the future. Writing books is obviously a route to do that, but it is apparent from the number of authors that I follow on Twitter that this is definitely not a street paved with gold or even copper for the vast majority. I am writing a book because I want to… So, maybe there are some articles in me? Maybe there is half a copy-editor in me (ewww) or maybe there is a blend of all 3, plus a few more, that could work? When I started this blog I was dipping a toe into the literary world. Over a year on, I am very glad I started this Journey and I guess my foot is submerged; still writing the blog, going to writing club, writing a book. Wow, this feels good.